====== Command Line Interface ====== ===== Introduction ===== A **command-line interface (CLI)** is a mechanism for interacting with a computer operating system or software by typing commands to perform specific tasks. This text-only interface contrasts with the use of a mouse pointer with a **graphical user interface** (**GUI**) to click on options, or menus on a text user interface (TUI) to select options. The default command-line interface used by minix is **Almquist shell** (also known as **A Shell**, **ash** and **sh**) which was originally Kenneth Almquist's clone of the SVR4-variant of the Bourne shell; it is a fast, small, POSIX-compatible Unix shell designed to replace the Bourne shell in later BSD distributions. {{http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/ash/ash.png|Illustration of the family tree|width=850}} ===== Function key mappings ===== | **key** |**Description** | | F1 |Kernel processes table | | F2 |Processes memory maps | | F3 |System Image | | F4 |Processes privileges | | F5 |Boot monitor parameters | | F6 |IRQ hooks and policies | | F7 |Kernel messages | | F8 |VM status and process maps | | F10 |Kernel parameters | | F11 |Timing details (if enabled) | | Shift + F1 |Process manager process table | | Shift + F2 |Signals | | Shift + F3 |Filesystem process table | | Shift + F4 |Device/Driver mapping | | Shift + F5 |Print keys mappings | | Shift + F6 |Reincarnation server process table | | Shift + F8 |Data store contents | | Shift + F9 |Processes with stack traces | **Note:** Function keys are only valid from the first console (ttyc0). ===== Useful Command Lines (Shell) ===== - **man** **man** -- an interface to the online reference manuals. - **passwd** -- change (own) password. - **passwd user** change the password of user //user// (root only) - **ls** -- list directory contents. - **ls -al** -- long list - **ls -alt** -- long list, sorted by modification time - **ls -alS** -- long list (GNU/Linux only), sorted by file size - **cd directory** -- change to directory - **cd** -- change to default/home directory - **pwd** -- show current directory - Basic File Utilities - **cp file1 file2** -- copy file1 to file2 - **rm file1** -- remove (delete) file1 - **mv file1 file2** move (change) file1 to file2 - **mkdir dir** make directory dir - **rmdir dir** remove directory dir - More File Utilities - **cat file** -- read a file - **more file** -- read a file per screen - **ln -s -- file sfile** -- make a symbolic link from file to sfile - **grep aworld file** -- search string aword inside file using regular expression - **sort file** -- sort a file