====== MAN pages for administrators ====== [[.:manualpages|add_route(8)]] - configure IP routing \\ [[.:manualpages|adduser(8)]] - add a new user to the system \\ [[.:manualpages|backup(8)]] - backup files \\ [[.:manualpages|badblocks(8)]] - put a list of bad blocks in a file \\ [[.:manualpages|boot(8)]] - from power on to the login prompt \\ [[.:manualpages|checkhier(8)]] - check the directory hierarchy \\ [[.:manualpages|chown(8)]] - change owner \\ [[.:manualpages|cleantmp(8)]] - clean out a tmp dir \\ [[.:manualpages|config(8)]] - configuring MINIX 3 tasks and servers \\ [[.:manualpages|cron(8)]] - clock daemon \\ [[.:manualpages|dhcpd(8)]] - dynamic host configuration protocol daemon \\ [[.:manualpages|dosminix, mkfile (8)]] - Running MINIX 3 under DOS \\ [[.:manualpages|elvprsv(8)]] - Preserve the the modified version of a file after a crash \\ [[.:manualpages|fdisk(8)]] - partition a hard disk [IBM] \\ [[.:manualpages|fingerd, in.fingerd (8)]] - remote user information server \\ [[.:manualpages|ftpd, in.ftpd, setup.anonftp (8)]] - DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server \\ [[.:manualpages|getty(8)]] - system login banner \\ [[.:manualpages|halt(8)]] - abruptly stop the system \\ [[.:manualpages|ifconfig(8)]] - configure a TCP/IP device \\ [[.:manualpages|inet, inet.conf (8)]] - TCP/IP server \\ [[.:manualpages|init(8)]] - grandparent of all processes \\ [[.:manualpages|installboot(8)]] - make a device bootable \\ [[.:manualpages|intr(8)]] - run a command with interrupts enabled \\ [[.:manualpages|irdpd(8)]] - internet router discovery protocol daemon \\ [[.:manualpages|mkdist(8)]] - make a MINIX 3 distribution \\ [[.:manualpages|mknod(8)]] - create a special file \\ [[.:manualpages|monitor, edparams (8)]] - load and start MINIX 3, modify boot parameters \\ [[.:manualpages|nonamed(8)]] - not a name daemon, but acts like one \\ [[.:manualpages|part(8)]] - partition table editor \\ [[.:manualpages|partition(8)]] - make a partition table \\ [[.:manualpages|pr_routes(8)]] - show IP routing \\ [[.:manualpages|printroot(8)]] - print the name of the root device on standard output \\ [[.:manualpages|pwdauth(8)]] - password authentication program \\ [[.:manualpages|rarpd(8)]] - reverse address resolution protocol daemon \\ [[.:manualpages|rdate(8)]] - set time and date from a remote host \\ [[.:manualpages|readclock(8)]] - read the AT's real time clock \\ [[.:manualpages|reboot(8)]] - reboot the system immediately \\ [[.:manualpages|repartition(8)]] - load a partition table \\ [[.:manualpages|rlogind, in.rlogind (8)]] - remote login server \\ [[.:manualpages|rshd(8)]] - remote shell server \\ [[.:manualpages|screendump(8)]] - write current console screen to standard output \\ [[.:manualpages|serial-ip(8)]] - Serial IP (SLIP or PPP) setup \\ [[.:manualpages|service(8)]] - Start or stop an operating system server or device driver \\ [[.:manualpages|setup(8)]] - Install MINIX 3 on a hard disk \\ [[.:manualpages|shutdown(8)]] - graciously close the system down \\ [[.:manualpages|slip(8)]] - Serial Line IP \\ [[.:manualpages|srccrc(8)]] - compute CRC checksums of the entire source tree \\ [[.:manualpages|sync(8)]] - flush the cache to disk \\ [[.:manualpages|update(8)]] - periodically write the buffer cache to disk \\ [[.:manualpages|usage(8)]] - installing and using MINIX \\