Table of Contents

Installing Source Packages


pkgsrc is used to build third-party software. This page describes how to use pkgsrc.

Before diving in, you should be aware of a few things:


Setting up pkgsrc on MINIX

Git is required to download the pkgsrc tree and GCC is required to compile software.

# pkgin install scmgit-base binutils gcc44

To set up the pkgsrc tree:

# cd /usr
# make pkgsrc-create

<!> This is all that is needed to prepare the system to build software with pkgsrc. The MINIX installation comes pre-bootstrapped. Do NOT run the bootstrap script that comes with pkgsrc.

Updating the pkgsrc Tree

To update the pkgsrc tree in the future:

# cd /usr
# make pkgsrc-update

This will download any changes (new versions of packages, patches, etc.).

<!> It is important to update your copy of the pkgsrc tree using this method, instead of git pull. This update method may perform additional steps, such as updating your mk.conf file.

Compiling a Package

All pkgsrc operations should be done with bmake.

To build a package, misc/figlet in this example, you need to cd to that directory and do a bmake install.

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/misc/figlet
# bmake install

This installs figlet in /usr/pkg/bin.

Additional Documentation

See the official pkgsrc guide for complete details.