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Pkgsrc Packages Status

The following table presents the last known status of the packages available in the repository.

A few notes on how to fill in the table:

  • Package name: fill in the full package name as reported by pkgin (example: zsh-5.0.2nb1).
  • MINIX version: Version of MINIX on which the package was tested on.
  • Status: one of:
    • broken : The application does not even start or perform any basic functionality.
    • unstable: The application can perform only some basic functionality, and/or crashes.
    • stable: The application is stable, and can perform all of its expected tasks.
  • Date of report: Use the following format: (example: 2013.12.25).
  • Contact of report: a wiki username, so that we may contact for more information.
  • Comment: Free form additional information.

Important: Keep it alphabetically (package name) ordered, for ease of update.

Package Name MINIX version Status Date of report Contact of report Comment
0verkill.16nb1 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.16 pikpik Looks like it works; didn't try connecting to servers
UPnP-Inspector.2.2nb2 3.2.1 broken 2013.06.16 pikpik Crashes: needs twisted.internet
aamath.3nb2 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.16 pikpik Works
aget.4nb1 3.2.1 broken 2013.06.16 pikpik Runs, but has problems and can't download anything
aiksaurus.2.1 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.16 pikpik Works
amap.2nb4 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.16 pikpik Works; tutorial:; is outdated according to
aide.6nb1 3.2.1 unstable 2013.06.16 pikpik Works; needs ~1 GiB of total memory to check 8 GB of storage. It looks like MFS, Aide, and VM contend for most of the memory.
aop.6 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
apache.3.42nb4 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.16 pikpik Works; says the OS is NetBSD
apache.0.64nb4 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.16 pikpik Works
apachetop.12.5nb2 3.2.1 broken 2013.06.16 pikpik Crashes when run
amiwm-0.20p48nb3 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
bastet.41nb1 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
cmatrix.2a 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
cmatrix-1.2anb2 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
cowsay.03nb2 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
cowsay-3.04nb1 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
dillo-3.0.5nb2 3.4.0rc5 broken 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Segfaults on launch, read access on NULL page
gnupg.4.13nb2 3.2.1 unstable 2013.05.28 ThomasCort If you run gpg –gen-key, it will go into an infinite loop printing “select() error: bad file descriptor” after entering your passphrase for the second time.
gnupg2-2.0.30 3.4.0rc5 unstable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Generating key with gpg2 –gen-key crashes due to thread issues
httping.5.2nb1 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
lynx- 3.4.0rc5 unstable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works fine inside xterm, terminal is broken on tty
mg-20110905nb2 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.23 GregReagle Works
micro_httpd 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
mlvwm-0.9.1nb1 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works, some minor issues
moon-buggy.0nb3 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
moon-buggy-1.0.51nb1 3.4.0rc5 unstable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Crashes with Fatal error: Select failed: Invalid argument on first new game, subsequent new launches work
nano-2.6.0 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
perl-5.24.0 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
python27.7.4nb2 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
unix2dos.3 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
vim-7.4.1987 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
watch.2.6nb1 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
x11.8.2 3.2.1 broken 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt: cordump
xneko-4.4nb2 3.4.0rc5 stable 2017.03.26 JeanBaptisteBoric Works
zombies.0nb5 3.2.1 stable 2013.06.01 LionelSambuc per post on !GoogleGroup from Ulrich Schmidt
developersguide/pkgsrcstatus.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/26 16:13 by jeanbaptisteboric